Considering AdventureFaktory just recently went to Saudi Arabia, we have been bombarded of e-mails and DM’s all over our social media about How to get the Saudi Tourist Visa.
Well let us tell you genuinely that we still don’t know much at all! The visa that got issued on the passport, alongside with the letter of invitation, was from the government and issued by the Darat. It was a very special invite for the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, in which we participated for a full day. Before we get into details on how to process such type of government invitations from Dubai (on another post), let’s discuss about the tourist visa.

Is the Saudi Tourist Visa Available?
Not yet is the honest answer. It is be said to come very soon, but many sources always say different timings. With this uncertainty and considering this region, our advice would be to be patient. It is said that the visa infrastructure online is being under construction and meant to go online by the end of Q1. If you are urging to travel to Saudi Arabia, better find a business reason for work or through the government via exclusive invites (and this isn’t just given to anyone!)
How long is the Tourist Visa to Saudi Arabia For?
It had been rumoured that the tourist visa will be a single-entry visa that will be valid for 30 days. Purely for entertainment visit (tourism) other than work, family visits, Hajj and Umrah visas.
Can Single Women get a Tourist Visa to Saudi Arabia?
Yes, although there is a caveat. You can only if you’re over the age of 25 to not need a male companion. Which means if you are under 25 years old, you have to either go with your husband, brother or father if you are not married. This information has been found via the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH). Although during out trip in Saudi, a few individuals have said it to be 30 years old, we will still keep 25 as being the reference until official announcements on application websites for the visa! Another hiccup is that although women over 25 y.o. will be allowed to travel without accompanied by a male, they will have to be travelling within an authorized travel agency and in a group of other tourists, which is a huge MEH for women that likes to travel solo and discover on their own.

Why did Saudi Arabia decided to issue Tourist Visas?
A step towards the future and of course, tourism is a great way to fuel an economy besides the oil! This initiative, along many with others you have seen in the news, will help boost the tourism sector for the Kingdom and give more job opportunities for residents. It falls under the Vision 2030 for Saudi’s tourism industry. Hopefully you will get to visit Saudi Arabia soon as the country is a pure gem for incredible nature / adventure / outdoors trips!
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