In Yangon for the evening? Here are the 3 spots to go to enjoy some delicious food & drinks, as well as a great ambiance and decor.
// Où aller à Yangon pour boire un coup? Non seulement vous allez boire des drinks délicieux, la nourriture y sont à couper le souffle aussi! Voici notre liste de 3 destinations à absolument ne pas manquer!
This place is completely new and our friends had to go there to try it out… so obviously we tagged along! Hummingbird has a charming setting and also has a rooftop that they will use for events & cocktails. The decor is cozy and makes you stay there and sip drink after drinks. The Jack Jar looked way too good on the menu that I had to take it. It’s Jack Daniels, Strawberry Jam, Chai Tea, Coconut Milk, Honey and all that topped with Guiness, Marmite and condensed milk foam. How fabulous does that sound? Mitch went for the Modern Mule. Delicious as well. We definitely recommend you to come have a few cocktails!
// Hummingbird est tout nouveau en ville (nous Ă©tions Ă Â Yangon en Mai). La place est de qualitĂ© pour ces cocktails. Mitch & moi avons pris un Jack Jar & Modern Mule. C’Ă©tait Ă couper le souffle! On a aussi essayer ce que nos amis ont commandĂ© et JĂ©sus c’Ă©tait bon!
L’atmosphère est hyper relaxe et la dĂ©co est sympa; parfait pour s’Ă©craser dans le sofa, oublier le temps passĂ© et boire pleins de cocktails! Ça vaut le dĂ©tour, dites-nous ce que vous en pensez. | Address: 76 Phone Gyi Road, Phone Gyi St, Yangon | FB

We had to go to Union to try the Scotch eggs but apparently a Soft Shell Crab Sandwich. Ordered our Myanmar Beers, our fried didn’t even need the menu to order the Union homemade Scotch eggs served with Remoulade & the Fried soft shell crab Sandwich with Asian slaw. The Sandwich made me go NUTS. I can’t even describe how good it was. I definitely want some more right now as I am writing about it. Arf. Get there and try it out!
// Nos amis nous ont amenĂ© Ă Union afin d’essayer deux de leurs plats prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s: le Scotch Egg & le sandwich au crabe mou, c’est tu comme ça qu’on dit ça en Français? Aidez-moiiii je ne sais plus comment Ă©crire! Bref vous savez quoi commender, je l’ai Ă©cris en Anglais lĂ lĂ . Mais maudit c’Ă©tait tellement bon! Vous devez absolument passer par-lĂ pour essayer cette bouffe dĂ©licieuse. J’en veux LIVE tellement que c’est bon. | Address:42 Strand Road, Botahtaung, Yangon | FB

From the same owners of Union, Gekko is a fusion between Japanese & Korean cuisine. You can find tons of Japanese whiskies and our friends recommend the cocktails they do with it! We didn’t get the cahnce to try any wince we were so exhausted of the long day and needed a good sleep to catch our flight the next morning. So what we did was to enjoy some delicious Pork gyoza with Soya & karashi dipping sauce, Chicken & Bacon, mustard Yakitori nihon and a fabulous friend banana spring roll to dip in a chocolate fondu. If you want safe “Stix” food like what you see on 19th street (street food), Gekko is the place to get them! We didn’t want to take the risk of being sick. Our friends have been living there for a while and says that when you get sick, you pretty much want to die. So it was a no brainer for us to not try it! Tell us what you think of Gekko & their cocktails!
// MĂŞme proprio qu’Union Bar, Gekko est un mĂ©lange de la cuisine Japonaise et CorĂ©enne. Vous pouvez y retrouver une large sĂ©lection de whisky Japonaise et les mixes qui y font sont absolument Ă essayer. De notre cĂ´tĂ©, nous Ă©tions trop fatiguĂ©s pour boire encore plus alors on s’est contentĂ©s de bons gyozas, du poulet teriyaki et un dĂ©licieux dessert qui Ă©tait du genre des bananes frites Ă plonger dans le dĂ©licieux chocolat fondant! Gekko, c’est comme l’endroit safe de manger ton BBQ sur le grill. Disons que tu n’as pas envie de tomber malade Ă Yangon. La bouffe de rue est souvent cuite le matin et est laissĂ©e toute la journĂ©e Ă vendre. Nos amis ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©jĂ malade et ils habitent lĂ , alors imaginer… Ă€ vos risque le Street Food! | Address: 535 Merchant Street, Kyautoda Township, 4th Quarter Rangoon | FB

We also heard of this place called Parami Pizza, sister restaurant of Gekko, but we didn’t have time & space in our tummies to go try it out. Maybe you should! Give us some reviews 🙂 | Address:No. 11/C, Corner of Malikha St. and Parami Rd.  7th Quarter, Mayangone Township, Yangon | FB
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