Discovering street food on your own without guidance can be a challenge. You don’t know which are the good ones that won’t make you sick. One thing that everyone who visits Vietnam mentions how good the food is. Even though we lived there, we still felt there was more street food we hadn’t discovered yet. We encourage you to get wild and try it out.
When we went back to Saigon, we wanted a little help finding some other places we haven’t been before. With Ubiquest, we tried out the 2CV Food tours that take you around Saigon in cool old school pre war cars to all the coolest street eats that you would never find.
Despite the rain, we were picked up and we started making our way through the chaotic streets of Saigon. We stopped in several districts to test out some of the yummiest food of Saigon. From egg based Pizza on rice cakes, Rolls, local tea and BBQ meat Skewers, many street food eateries in Saigon. Our Ubiquest amazing guide not only showed us food, but also drove us around few major sights around Saigon such as Saigon Church and a few Markets.
By the end of the tour, approximately 2.5hrs, we had eaten till we were absolutely full.
If you are in Saigon as a tourist, or even a local living there, consider taking the tour in the evening as many street carts are on business night time only!
2CV Food tours give you a unique perspective into the street eat culture of Vietnam. Give it a shot if you rather get driven in style and go to safe street food spots!

Benefit a 15% off on your reservation* by mentioning the promo code AdventureFaktory when you make a reservation on www.saigon2cvtour.
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